Membership Application

John C. Evans Project Inc.

19 Yarnell Ave Milltown, NJ08850  

Phone 732-828-3275 or 732-253-0287

“Partnering to Protect”


Please print clearly the contact information you prefer to give. Items in bold are required for membership.

Name ________________________________   Company Name (if applicable) _________________________


City _______________________________  State _______________________    Zip ____________________

Home Phone _______________________________   Business Phone __________________________________

Cell Phone _______________________________

Email (home) ________________________________________    Email (work) __________________________

Expertise you can offer:



How or where did you learn of the John C. Evans Project? _________________________________________

Contributions to help with expenses are welcome!
Checks can be made payable to: John C. Evans Project, Inc.

Your signature and desire to join this group indicates your support for historic preservation and protecting the quality of life and small town character in Milltown.

Signature ________________________________________________    Date ___________________________